University College Cork
Founded in 1845, University College Cork is one of Ireland's oldest university institutions. Ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide, in 2011 UCC became Ireland's first Five Star University, and was named the world's First Green University Campus. Boasting a spectacular campus in the heart of Cork city, UCC is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary university with 20,000 students, including over 2,800 from 100 countries across all continents. The humanities and social sciences form a major part of UCC and are a focus for cultural collaborations nationally and internationally.
Department: Film & Screen Media
Course: MA in Film and Screen Media
Tutor: Prof. Laura Rascaroli
The European University Film Award is a uniquely interactive and communal method of getting us, film students, interested in European cinemas, while exploring languages, cultures, traditions and stories that share similarities with and yet present differences to our own. It gives us an opportunity to experience the selection and recognition processes involved in major film festivals, and to participate in them as European citizens. It fosters our interest in European cinema and allows us to apply our theoretical knowledge in our consideration and analysis of the nominated films. It encourages debate and reflection on the history and nature of European film culture, allowing a voice to the next generation of filmmakers, film theorists and film enthusiasts. /students of UCC